Board Elections 2021!

The last several months have been challenging for everyone, including the Co-op. We had to pivot how we run our business, how we engage with our member-owners, and how we define a safe shopping space. 

Looking Ahead…

As we round the corner into 2021, we find ourselves in a very familiar place of holding Board elections, but this year we also celebrate our 50th birthday! Normally, there would be a lot of celebrations and fun events; but, while we look forward to bringing you different ways to mark this special occasion (more on that soon!), we can’t think of a better way to kick-off our 50th year than educating and engaging our member-owners in the Board elections process.

The Board of Delegates is a key aspect that sets Mariposa Food Co-op apart from conventional grocery stores. They are the governing body that represents member-owners' interests and holds Mariposa accountable to its values. Each delegate is democratically elected by YOU!

Last year, we put out an urgent call for new Board members to help keep the Co-op running smoothly and operating within its values, and you answered the call with a record-breaking 21 candidates!

This year, while the Board is in a better place, we know how important it is to have a dedicated group of member-owners in these leadership positions, especially when times are tough. 

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Have you ever thought about getting more involved in Mariposa? Are you interested in how the Board interacts with member-owners and other stakeholders? Now is the time to learn more! All member-owners are welcome to drop by a virtual Board meeting, held on Monday, February 1st and Monday, March 1st from 6:30pm-9pm or a member-owner orientation.

What’s Involved In Being On The Board:

  • Attend one monthly meeting, held the first Monday of each month

  • Attend one full-day Board retreat, annually

  • Work on Board assignments 3-4 hours per month outside of meetings

  • Engage in consensus-based decision-making

  • Review monthly reports from management

  • Hold Mariposa accountable to its values as an important governing body

  • Receive a 10% working-owner discount for participating

Elections Timeline

January 12th - Candidate packets available
February 15th - Candidate statements due
February 17th - Candidate statements posted online and in-store
March 17th - Voting opens online
March 31st - Annual elections meeting, voting closes, winners announced!

Thank you for supporting the Co-op through 2020 and we look forward to what our 50th year has in store!

In cooperation,

Mariposa Food Co-op