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Virtual Fall Member-Owner Meeting

As stated in our by-laws, Mariposa is required to hold two meetings per year to update our member-owners on important information regarding the Co-op. Our spring meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19, but we’re excited to announce that we’ll be going virtual for our fall meeting this year, during Co-op Month!

Log on to meet our newly-elected Board of Delegates, get an update from our general manager on the Co-op’s financial health, and more! The agenda will be as follows:

  • Welcome and intros.

  • Meet the Education & Outreach Committee.

  • Meet the Board members and get an update on their work.

  • Operations & financial update from our General Manager.

  • Time for Q&A with member-owners.

  • Reintroducing the topic of possible expansion! We began our member-owner engagement around this topic pre-pandemic and are excited to get back on track.

  • Closeout and announcements.

Make sure to RSVP below for the Google Meets meeting link. Need assistance? Email or call 215-729-2121 x03. Hope to see you there!

We will do our best to accommodate last minute RSVPs. However, if you RSVP close to or after 6pm on 10/22, we may not see your response to send the meeting link.

Later Event: November 2
November 2020 Board Meeting