How to make a banana whip

Banana whips are a staple of West Philly's biannual Dollar Strolls. Skip the lines and make your own banana whip at home by following these simple steps. 


  • One bunch of fair trade, organic bananas

  • Chocolate, coconut, or whatever you like as a topping

Please note, you will need a juicer to create a creamy, ice cream-like consistency. You can also use a food processor for a slightly different consistency.


  1. Peel and freeze bananas for at least 12 hours. 

  2. When you're ready to make your banana whips, thaw your bananas for a few minutes. Thawing the bananas makes them easier to cut. 

  3. Slice the bananas in half. 

  4. Push two halves of a banana through a juicer. One half - two thirds of a banana makes a 4 oz banana whip. You can also cut the slightly thawed bananas and blend in a food processor.

  5. Top with chocolate, coconut, or whatever you please.