News Roundup February 10, 2017

The Common Market Makes Matching Loan to Help Raise $25,000 in 25 Days

The Common Market, a mission-driven food distributor in the Mid-Atlantic region, has offered Kensington Community Food Co-op members an incredible opportunity to double their investment in the project. Read more

Jamila Medley & Peter Frank announce PACA's executive director transition

The Philly Black History Syllabus: 13 must-read books to understand our city

Philly has made a lot of black history. Nearly 690,000 African Americans live in the city.  And so, with this large and longstanding community, there’s no shortage of institutions to honor and stars to remember during Black History Month.

So if you wanted to get a strong grasp of this history, what books should you read? We reached out to several experts and researchers. Many recommended the same works; others pointed to tomes of which we’d never heard. Out of dozens of suggestions, we’ve narrowed that list down to 13. (It was hard.) You may not have been able to take a class on Philly Black History in college, so here’s that syllabus. Read more

Free community tax filing sites are now open in West/Southwest Philadelphia

Campaign for Working Families has again opened sites across the city, where volunteers are helping qualified individuals and families to prepare and file their taxes. Free tax preparation services are being offered to families with incomes less than $54,000 and individuals with incomes less than $20,000. Read more