A guide to heirloom tomatoes

Get inspired by heirloom tomatoes! These funky looking tomatoes have many specific cultivars, but there are some broad types to keep an eye out for. Reference this handy guide while you shop at the Co-op.

Green Zebra Green zebra tomatoes are green even when perfectly ripe. This tomato has a slightly smokey, citrusy flavor.

Beefsteak This type of heirloom is large and heavy. Rich, meaty, and satisfying, the beefsteak stands up to grilled meats and fish, makes a great BLT, and goes great with fresh mozzarella either.

Yellow pear

Golden in color, yellow heirlooms are similar to cherry tomatoes. Slice in half and serve on crackers with a smear of fresh chevre and chopped chives.

Purple Shouldered Tomato

Purple heirlooms have a pinkish color on the inside. Serving style should remain simple - best served with fresh basil and a splash of balsamic or sea salt.

Speckled Roma Tomato

Roma tomatoes are classic. Thick and meaty, peel and puree for homemade pasta sauce.

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