Apply to Round-Up for Change!

The 2020-2021 deadline has passed

We are excited for Mariposa’s 2020-2021 Round-up for Change cycle! Moving into our third year of this program, we will be able to directly support community organizations and groups in our neighborhood and city when shoppers “round-up” their total purchase to the nearest dollar. The extra change is donated to a different cause each month.

Applications for 2020-2021 are no longer being accepted. Interested organizations are encouraged to review the information below in anticipation of submitting an application:

Financial Support During COVID-19:

For the past two years, the Co-op has pledged a match of up to $1000 each month. We remain committed to making a match for the upcoming recipients, however this is fully dependent on our financial position. While we have been able to remain open to serve the community, social distancing restrictions have forced us to limit the number of shoppers, thus reducing our sales. This reduction in customers has also led to a reduction in average customer Round-Up donations, and we expect to see this trend continue for some time.

Mariposa Food Co-op’s Ends Statements:

  1. Mariposa is a welcoming, accessible, and affordable cooperative.

  2. Mariposa is a community in which systems of oppression have been dismantled.

  3. Mariposa has policies and practices that support environmentally and economically sustainable food systems.

  4. Mariposa is a model for good jobs and workplace democracy.

  5. Mariposa’s community members care for one another; we are all connected.

Preference will be given to organizations that are local to West Philly or acting for Philadelphia as a whole. Groups must be nonpartisan and nondiscriminatory. Non-profit 501c(3) organizations are encouraged to apply, although having certified non-profit status is not required. Organizations with a fiscal sponsor or other recognized certifications (Benefit corporation, certified B Corp, etc.) will also be considered in the application process.

Your organization’s primary objective must be one of the following:

  • Promotes nutritious foods and healthy diets.

  • Promotes food justice and/or social justice.

  • Encourages environmental responsibility.

  • Serves as a cooperative organization.

  • Serves Mariposa’s immediate neighborhood and community

  • Supports local education initiatives.

  • Promotes and contributes to urban agriculture and/or the local food economy.

  • Promotes grassroots, community organizing and development.

We will not consider donations for the following causes:

  • Political groups that do not align with Mariposa’s values

  • Political parties and/or specific candidates

  • Third-party fundraisers

  • Fraternal groups

  • Individuals

  • Mariposa does not donate for religious purposes, but programs of religious organizations may qualify.

If selected, we ask that you:

  • Provide printed promotional materials for the store. Mariposa can print out materials on your behalf if needed.

  • Table once or twice during the month for 1.5-2 hours to speak with shoppers about your organization. At this time, tabling is on hold due to social distancing restrictions inside our store. We hope to welcome our recipients back soon!

  • Provide photos that represent your organization and its work for promotion on social media and Mariposa’s e-newsletter.

The Application - Part 1

Applications are no longer being accepted for the 2020-2021 Round-up for Change cycle. Interested groups can download the application below for a more detailed explanation of what is asked.

Download application

The Application - Part 2

please provide the following materials (physical copies or digital copies are accepted): 

  • Your 501(c)3 certification, if applicable. If you are not a 501(c)3 organization but have other credentials, please provide this with your application.

  • 1-2 supporting materials such as a brochure, flyer, or annual report.

Info for After you submit:

Thank you for taking the time to review this information and fill out an application! We are excited to support a new group of organizations for our 2020-2021 cycle. Our staff-led Education and Outreach committee will review applications as they are received and will be in touch by mid August to let organizations know if they have been selected (September recipients may be contacted sooner for planning purposes). If you have questions, please contact or 215-729-2121 x03.