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People's Economic Forum, Part II

The People’s Economic Forum, Part 2


Greetings Friends of Public Banking!


In collaboration with the The Public Bank Coalition, we explore ways that a Philadelphia public bank could strengthen and support the co-op movement.  We hope you will join us then!  You can register here.


People’s Economic Forum, Part 2 

Powering the Cooperative Economy:

Thursday, February 16, 2023

7 pm on Zoom


Cooperative businesses provide an alternative to an extractive and oppressive economy, with an independent way to build community strength and address the racial wealth gap. The co-op movement is growing in Philadelphia, but the barriers to financing are daunting. How can a public bank help power the cooperative economy? Come with your questions. Listen and learn as we explore ways to democratize our wealth and our economy. Guests will include speakers from the national and local co-op movements.